Amiga Tools 1
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Welcome to MagicWB v1.0
Copyright © 1993 by Martin Huttenloher
All rights reserved
- Released as SHAREWARE -
If you want to jump to a specific chapter just PRESS `G' and enter the
given line number of the chapter (table of contents = line 50).
1.1 Short description ............................. 83
1.2 Motivation ................................... 118
1.3 System Requirements .......................... 139
1.4 Features & Information ....................... 165
2.1 How to install ............................... 214
2.2 What to do after the installation ............ 346
3.1 How to preserve the Icon's TOOLTYPES ......... 401
3.2 Using the font XEN in the Shell .............. 448
4. Background & Discussion
4.1 How it all started ........................... 495
4.2 MagicWB discussion ........................... 639
............................. 825
....................................... 872
7.1 Why do I have to register? ................... 984
7.2 How to register ............................. 1038
................................. 1090
.......................................... 1124
1.1 Short description
This is what YOU have always been looking for. It is NOT "just another
useless Icon compilation!" It is far more different. Please, read on:
This package contains ALL STANDARD SYSTEM-ICONS and more (actually 60
different Icons) painted in a new completely different style: They look
VERY 3-DIMENSIONAL, have 8 COLORS, have GRADIENT fills, feature
CLICK-AND-PUSH ANIMATION if being clicked onto to simulate a pushed
button and even more... To sum it up: They are simply MAGIC!
Second, you will find 40 Background-Patterns for your Workbench, also
designed with the same 8 COLORS as the Icons. Simply MAGIC...
Furthermore this package contains 4 DIFFERENT FONTS as a replacement
for the most wanted WB-Fonts 'Helvetica' and 'topaz'. These new Fonts
have been intensively tested to provide the BEST READABILITY for your
WB and to finally make the old (horrible) fonts obsolete. The fonts are
COMPLETE, i.e. ALL 256 characters are included in each font.
Finally this package includes an intelligent, interactive INSTALLER with
which you don't have to worry about manually installing more than 103
different files in their respective drawers. NOTE: Also more experienced
users SHOULD USE THE INSTALLER because the installation of all Icons with
their special tooltypes and their specific quantities is not a piece of
cake! You can trust the Installer, it will NOT make any mess to your
System. For more information about how the installation will work, please
read the section 'Installation' in this document.
1.2 Motivation
I simply didn't like the gray and abstract Icons provided by Commodore.
Although they could use the color blue for their Icons they rarely used
it. In fact, only white and black were used for these Icons. Rather
boring, don't you think? Second, I wanted to see nice background patterns
on my Workbench. Unfortunately there is no pattern pool existing in the
AMIGA community, so I had to create them myself. Furthermore I didn't like
the font topaz8 for my shell environment or for any other programs using
topaz8; it was too fat. And I wanted to have a really tiny font for my
Icons. Helvetica9 was just the right font and the right size. BUT it was
so small that you could hardly read the text, because it was not designed
well. So I decided to make replacements for topaz and helvetica.
To sum it up, I wanted to polish up the outer appearance of the AMIGA
Workbench to probably outdo any other "Workbenches" on other computer
platforms. I hope that I achieved this goal.
1.3 System Requirements
- Well, what can I say? OF COURSE you will need at least Kickstart
2.0. MagicWB is supporting all Kickstart/Workbench versions
beginning from version 2.0.
If you still have Kickstart 1.3 (which would be a shame!) then
I guess it's time to update!
- MagicWB needs a SCREENMODE with 8 COLORS! Don't be afraid if you
have got a standard AMIGA with 7.14 Mhz: Practice shows that a
screenmode in Hires-Interlaced with 8 colors on a standard AMIGA
is still rather fast due to a really well programmed Workbench!
(Thanx must go to Commodore and all the ingenious programmers!)
- Beside the fact that you need at least 8 colors you should also
use a 'proportional' resolution like Hires-Interlaced or higher!
If not, the Icons will appear distorted because all Icons, Fonts
and Patterns were designed in PAL Hires-Interlaced (640x512).
- And you should have got a HardDisk if you want to install the whole
package (is there still anyone out there without?) ;)
1.4 Features & Information
- All Icons have been painted with great devotion. They have
been painted in a special design-style called 'XEN'. This style
features very PLASTIC/3-D ICONS.
- Icons do appear to have more than 8 colors due to GRADIENT FILLS.
- Icons do have the GREATEST possible DETAIL-LEVEL due to manual
'pixel by pixel' ANTI-ALIASING.
- Icons are NOT abstract symbols representing their function,
they are painted like PAINTINGS to fit the eyes' natural impression
of an object. So the eye will no longer concentrate on the
Icon-Text (because with the old Icons it was faster to search for
the Icon-Text than for the Icon to find a specific file),
it will concentrate on the Icon again (like it was intended to be!).
- AND the Icons also do have the typical and natural CLICK-AND-PUSH
animation to simulate that the Icon was pressed down.
- MagicWB features the COMPLETE REPLACEMENT for the old & obsolete
- Furthermore MagicWB features several SPECIAL-Icons like RAM-Disk,
HardDisk, Prefs, Syquest, Preset, ReadMe & AmigaGuide.
- MagicWB features 40 Background-PATTERNS for "polishing up" your
Workbench. I think that is enough to find your personal favorite
- MagicWB features 4 thoroughly tested new FONTS as a REPLACEMENT
for the old imperfect fonts 'Helvetica/9', 'Helvetica/11', 'topaz/8'
and 'topaz/9'. These new fonts contain all 256 ASCII-Characters
which means that they are complete and all foreign characters are
included. The 'XEN'-Font is the perfect replacement for a
non-proportional font like 'topaz'.
- MagicWB features a very flexible INSTALLER (please consult the
'Installation' chapter for full information about this feature)
- MagicWB supports OS2.0, OS2.1 and OS3.x
- MagicWB is just MAGIC... ;)
2.1 How to install
MagicWB is very easy to install: The installation is done via the Installer
of MagicWB. Just double-click the `Install' Icon and the Installer will
open a window and explain how the installation will proceed. After the
information you can decide whether you want to start the installation or
* *
* recommend this! You won't regret it. If you manually install *
* MagicWB you will waste much time and you will probably install *
* MagicWB not correctly to your system. *
* The Installer is NOT making any mess to your system. Every- *
* thing is being installed very logically for your convenience. *
* *
* *
For those of you who want to know EVERYTHING I am now going to explain
exactly what the Installer will install to your system:
1. The Installer will install several ICONS to replace the old Icons of
your system. All Icons do have the ORIGINAL Tooltypes by Commodore.
The Installer analyses your Workbench version and will only install
the corresponding files. It scans your directories to look if it can
find the Icons you should have for your specific Workbench version.
It only replaces the EXISTING Icons with the better-looking ones.
> You can for example have 10 different DOSDrivers in your DEVS:
drawer. The Installer will make a new Icon for EACH one ALSO
CONSIDERING the different tooltypes (because PC0 and AUX have
different tooltypes, for example). The Installer also knows the
difference between PC0, PC1, PC2 and so on. Hence you will get
the correct Icons with the tooltypes UNIT=0, UNIT=1, UNIT=2 and
so on. This also applies to different drivers like `CD0' or any
other driver-name with a unit number!
With this example I hope that you have realized that the Installer
really IS very flexible and saves you a lot of time than if you did
it by yourself...
The Installer installs the new XEN-Icons to the following directories:
- SYS:System
- SYS:Utilities
- SYS:Tools
- SYS:Tools/Commodities
- SYS:Devs/DataTypes (3.x only)
- SYS:Devs/DOSDrivers
- SYS:Devs/Keymaps
- SYS:Devs/Monitors
- SYS:Devs/Printers
- SYS:Prefs
- SYS:Prefs/Presets (PRESET Icons...)
- ENVARC: (DEFAULT system Icons...)
- SYS: (new DRAWER Icons...)
- Furthermore a RAM-Icon is being installed to S:RAM.info
- The `User-Startup' will be expanded with ONE command line.
This command line takes care that after a reboot you will
still have a beautiful RAM-Icon in the right place on your
- The Installer will install a nice-looking HARDDISK-Icon.
- The Installer will give you the possibility to decide whether
you want to install more HardDisk-Icons to other partitions.
- If you have got a SYQUEST (removable disk drive) the Installer
will ask you if you want to have the corresponding Icon installed
to your Syquest.
- You can also select between two different PREFS-Drawer-Icons!
- The PALETTE.ILBM (2.x only) or the PALETTE.PREFS (3.x only)
will be installed to ENVARC:
This is probably the most important file of the package (without
the right colors you won't have a good-looking Workbench...) ;)
2. The Installer will install 4 new Fonts to your FONTS-directory:
- XHelvetica/9
- XHelvetica/11
- XEN/8
- XEN/9
These 4 fonts in are thought to replace the `Helvetica' and
`topaz' font. But they have different names so that you still
have got the old fonts on your harddrive.
The file `font.prefs' will be installed to ENVARC: so that you
can already use these better fonts the next time when you boot
your system. If you should not like the new fonts (what I cannot
believe ;)) then you can easily change it in the Font-Preferences.
3. The Installer will install ONE of the 40 PATTERNS to your directory
SYS:Prefs/Patterns. If you don't have this directory it will be
created. Only one pattern will be installed to save diskspace!
This pattern is called Marble_CLASSIC and is probably the best
looking pattern of all. Anyway, if you don't like it you can test
the other 39 patterns and copy the desired ones to the directory
Finally the file `WBPattern.prefs' will be installed to ENVARC:
to ensure that you will have this pattern as a background on
your Workbench the next time you boot your system.
So, I hope that I could take away your uncertainty and motivate you to
use this save and flexible Installer. Now you know precisely what the
Installer is going "to do" to your harddisk and that the whole
installation is not as easy as it appears. Hence you should rely on
the Installer and start the installation without doubts.
2.2 What to do after the installation
1. After the installation is done you should first activate your
SCREENMODE-Preferences program and select the following:
- A screenmode that is proportional, that means screenmodes
like 640x400, 640x480, 640x512, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 or
anything similar.
You should NOT use screenmodes like 640x256 or 1280x512 where
the horizontal/vertical amount of pixels is twice as much as
the vertical/horizontal amount of pixels. In this case the Icons,
Fonts and Patterns will appear distorted!
- Select at least 8 COLORS for your screenmode!
If you have done this you should SAVE these settings!
2. You will probably have to re-snapshot your windows. Your Icons will
already have good snapshot-positions as I included them in the Icons.
But there is no way to maintain the old window positions as I have
to replace the old drawer Icons. But this will take just a few
You may want to snapshot certain Icons like the HardDisk-Icon or
certain Drawer-Icons. Just do it to fit your personal taste.
-> If you are going to snapshot the RAM-Icon you should bear in mind
that the next time you RESET your system the snapshot-position will
be lost! You will have to copy the Disk.info from your RAM Disk to
the right place on the HardDisk.
For your convenience I have written a small script that will exactly
do this task for you:
> Just double-click the `Snapshot RAM-Icon'-Icon and
> follow the instructions that are given to you.
-> As the main Installer only replaces the old drawers in your SYS:
directory you might still find old drawers in other directories.
And as you probably don't want to have several old Drawer-Icons
on your HardDisk I have also included another script that will
replace/update the remaining old Drawer-Icons:
> Just double-click the `Update Drawers'-Icon and
> follow the instructions.
This part of the documentation is for all of you who might not exactly
know how to solve certain problems with the Icons or the fonts.
3.1 How to preserve the Icon's TOOLTYPES
If you copy an Icon to a certain path replacing an existing one, the new
Icon will NOT have the tooltypes of the old Icon, it will have the
tooltypes of the Icon that you copied to this path.
For example: You might have got commodities in your SYS:Tools/Commodities
that are not provided by Commodore (i.e. commodities from other
programmers). But the Icons of these commodities do still have the old
commoditiy-Icon by Commodore. Now you want to replace these old commodity-
Icons with the new ones of MagicWB. BEWARE! Don't make the mistake and
copy for example the Icon of the commodity 'Blanker' over the Icon of the
commodity which should get the new Icon. Sure, you will then have a new
Icon for this commodity being displayed on your Workbench, BUT this Icon
will have the tooltypes of the commodity 'Blanker' and the original
tooltypes of this commodity will be lost.
Here is how to do it right:
1. Start the program 'IconEdit' in the SYS:Tools directory.
2. OPEN the old Icon of the program which should get the new Icon.
(IconEdit loads the images of the Icon AND the tooltypes!)
3. LOAD the new Icon. ATTENTION: You have to load the new Icon with the
function "IMAGES/LOAD/BOTH IMAGES..." from the menu or just press
If you LOAD the new Icon with this menu function, only the Icon images
will be loaded into IconEdit, the tooltypes will be the ones from the
old Icon.
4. SAVE the new Icon (with the original tooltypes) with the menu function
You should always use this method to ensure that no tooltypes are
accidentally mixed up when you replace Icons.
3.2 Using the font XEN in the Shell
You might have noticed that the font XEN in your Shell environment is
touching the upper and left black border of the Shell. As the font is also
black it is hard to read the font because there is no space between the
font and the border of the shell (i.e. the font is merging into the
border). It doesn't look good. Here is the solution:
You just have to tell the Shell that it should make a space between the
font and the border of the Shell. This is done via Escape Sequences.
Just do the following thing...
1. Load the file 'Shell-Startup' from your SYS:S directory into an editor.
2. In this file you might see some "alias" command lines. At the end of
the file you should see a line with the command "prompt" at the
beginning of that line. Just place the following line BEFORE the prompt
echo noline "*e[1;1H*e[J*e[6x*e[15y"
You can copy this line from this document and insert it into the right
place in your shell-startup (so you won't need to type it out)
3. Save the file 'Shell-Startup'
This little escape sequence will tell the Shell to make a space of 1 pixel
between the font and the left and upper border of the shell.
NOTE: The coordinate '6x' in the upper escape sequence will always work
~~~~~ as the left border of the shell will never change in its size.
BUT the coordinate '15y' must be changed IF you use another font
than XHelvetica/11 as the SCREEN font. The coordinate 15y is only
appropriate if you use XHelvetica/11. If you use another font that
might be bigger or smaller the window bar of the shell window will
also be bigger or smaller. Just try out several values to find the
correct value that will fit to your selected screen font.
You may also use this prompt line if you like, instead of the old prompt
line in your shell-startup:
prompt "*e[1;31;47m%n*e[0m*e[31;47m.%s*e[0;31;40m>*e[0m "
This is the prompt I am using in my Shell environment.
4.1 How it all started
It all started more than one year ago when I first began to design
my own HardDisk-Icon. It looked very simple, in fact it was just a white
rectangle (should symbolize the external HardDisk) and a black pixel in
the upper-left corner (the LED!). It was really ugly, BUT it was something
different (compared to the horrible Disk-Icon by Commo ;)).
Well, I started to enhance it, started to design an Icon for my Syquest
and for the RAM Drive. That was all! Just three lousy Icons.
Weeks later, I came up with the idea: Why not take the advantage to
define my personal def_Icons, a feature available since Workbench 2.0.
So I started to paint a def_Drawer, def_Disk, def_Tool and a def_Project.
They were all really simple compared to those of this package. I made my
own Background-Pattern (just diagonal lines) and was HAPPY...
Until a good friend of mine (thanx Robert!) "inspected" my Workbench
and forced me to carry on with my idea of making new Icons: "Enhance
them, make more, and more...".
So I did.
Before I started to make more Icons, I wanted to "standardize" the whole
idea: A compromise should be made between the amount of colors and the
speed of the Workbench. I realized that 16 colors are slowing down a
standard 7Mhz AMIGA too much but was astonished that the step from
4 colors to 8 colors is not slowing down the AMIGA as much as the step
from 8 colors to 16 colors.
So one thing was clear: 4 colors are not enough for making good-looking
Icons. 16 colors are too much (you won't need all of them for making
good Icons) and slowing down the Workbench. So it had to be 8 COLORS!
BUT: As my intention was to standardize the Icons, I could not take
ALL of the 8 colors and redefine new values for all of them. I had
to preserve the first 4 standard colors (Gray, Black, White & Blue).
Even now I think that this color standard by Commodore is the best
color selection ever made for the AMIGA Workbench.
Hence, I just had the remaining 4 colors (color 5-8) available for my
own color selection. You might agree: Somehow not too much for making
good-looking Icons!?
Because of this self-made restriction I had to wisely and carefully
choose the right RGB values for these 4 colors! And indeed, choosing
the right palette was probably the most difficult and important step
in creating MagicWB. But as this task was finished, for the first
time I had a basis for my work. Then I just had to standardize the
size for each Icon-Type and it could all begin...
I experimented with 'dithering' and 'gradients' to simulate more than
8 colors and developed my personal style taking all the things into
account like 'light direction' and 'shadow direction'. I had the
ambition to create little drawings and not just abstract Icons! The
Icons should be highly detailed (as much as is possible within this
little size of an Icon) but nevertheless be rather small (bulky Icons
are really horrible, aren't they?)
To make high-detailed Icons I developed my own manual technique of
'anti-aliasing' (with just 8 rigid colors!?).
And finally, I wanted to give a certain animation to the Icons: Beside
the normal animation within the Icon-Border I wanted to give a feature
to the Icons which lets them appear "pushed" if being clicked onto.
Commodore wanted to simulate this by inverting the surrounding frame
of the Icon. It was not a bad idea, but the real 'click-and-push'
feeling was not achieved. So I investigated how this effect could be
achieved with the given opportunities.
With all this experience I started to design just the System-Icons
(def_Icons) and HardDisk and RAM-Disk Icons. As they were finished,
I was happy and thought: "That's enough Icons for the Workbench".
Well, as you might have guessed, my friend Robert came again to
inspect my Workbench (again! ;) ). He was somehow fascinated by
these Icons and wanted to SEE MORE OF THEM.
And so: I decided, that the next important and mostly used Icons are
the Preferences-Icons in the Prefs-Drawer. My God! 15 Icons to be
painted!!! And I did so...
The more Icons I designed, the faster I could paint them. But never-
theless it took me 3 to 6 hours to create an Icon in the "raw state".
Raw state means that this Icon surely was not the final Icon (after
all Icons were done for this package in April 1993, I made countless
changes to these Icons, even in the last few days before MagicWB was
At this point (where all of the 15 Prefs-Icons were created) I really
wanted to stop this time-consuming work. Really! ;)
Several friends and acquaintances wanted to have these Icons and I
gave a bunch of Icons to them.
The last thing I wanted to do was a Background-Pattern for my personal
use. I thought that a Marble-Pattern would be a good idea but had
NO IDEA how to paint it! Well, I finally managed to paint one (it was
exactly the same pattern as the one called 'Marble_CLASSIC' in this
package) and it should be the one and only pattern I wanted to paint
(because it really is a time-consuming task to paint a good pattern).
Time passed....
As time passed my Icons spreaded and spreaded (well, just a few of
them). But how could I know that this was the beginning of my doom!
A completely unexpected feedback broke into my house: All those people
who have seen a few of my Icons wanted to have all. And even worse:
They wanted to have ALL old Icons of their Workbench being replaced
by Icons painted with my style! Gee!
It finally culminated in the fact that even an AMIGA-Trader in Munich
(the Firm 'Computer Corner' with its owner Micky Wenngatz) wanted to
have these Icons to be commercially distributed.
That was the time where I took the decision to make a complete and
professional package called MagicWB (thanx Stefan!) that would
completely renew the optical appearance of the AMIGA-Workbench.
As this would include more than the few Icons I created, I also
decided to declare this package as SHAREWARE to have at least a
financial motivation for this time-consuming task.
I HATED the font 'topaz' (it was too fat and bulky) and realized
that the font 'Helvetica' was rather imperfect. I decided to make
a replacement for both fonts with two different sizes for each of
them. So, the 'XEN' and 'XHelvetica' fonts came into being.
Instead of one Pattern I created 40 Patterns and instead of 19 Icons
I created 59 Icons to replace all old Icons of the Workbench.
Finally, I wrote an Installer for your convenience because the
installation is not as easy as it appears. The Installer (and of
course the whole package) had to support the Workbench versions
2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 with their specific Icons and peculiarities.
Now it's up to YOU if you like MagicWB or not. I have done my best,
....I think. ;)
4.2 MagicWB Discussion
I would like to discuss certain things about MagicWB. So this chapter
may be interesting for those who want to know more about this Package.
The Patterns
As you probably have already noticed: Not all 40 Patterns are completely
different. I have taken one pattern style and painted it in different
colors. I personally do not like ALL of the patterns, but I included many
variations of one pattern style to satisfy your taste. The following list
is a summary of all patterns where I would like to give a comment to:
A2, A5 : not bad | Balls1 : probably too much balls...
Balls4 : nice pattern | H1-H4 : well, if you like it!
K2 : not bad | K4 : not bad
M1-M3 : if you like it... | Marble1: gray marble
Marble3: brown marble | Marble4: like 1 but without white strokes
Marble6: like 4 but brown | Marble7: very bright marmor
R2 : not bad | R4 : good (rather plastic)
R5 : even more plastic | R6 : plastic but finer
Stone1 : gray, almost silver | Stone2 : rougher than Stone1
Stone3 : looks more stone-like | Stone4 : like Stone1 but light brown
Stone5 : this one looks stony! | Stone6 : this is my favorite (stonewall)
Stone8 : more intensive than 6 |
The Icons
Ah the Icons...! I have probably repainted them a hundred of times. I am
now at the point where I am almost content with their design. The most
important Icons (in my opinion) are the default Icons, because they are
the ones you will probably see most of the time when working on your
Workbench. So I probably redesigned them a thousands of times. ;)
I am very curious if YOU like them. So, if you want to say something
about the Icons feel free to contact me!
Just a word to the project Icon: This was probably the most difficult one
to create, because it is hard to symbolize the expression "project". What
should I paint to fit this expression, I wondered? The final Icon is a
capital 'P' that is being constructed with geometric objects. 'P' of
course stands for "project" and the whole idea was taken from the
typesetter's craftsmanship to design the letters of a font. I think it
perfectly visualizes the expression "project", i.e. a sort of creation.
(If you think this Icon has got any similarities with the PageStream logo,
well, it should not... ;) )
I did NOT paint an Icon for the 'Trashcan' because no one uses it (better
kill this Icon, you really won't need it, my opinion: redundant!)
The Prefs-Icon should be an AMIGA 4000. I hope you recognized it... ;)
The PRESET-Icon is a problem: Commodore did never include a def_preset
Icon in the AMIGA OS. If a program generates a Preset-Icon it will always
take the old standard Preset-Icon. So you can not tell the system to use
your personal Preset-Icon. I hope that Commodore will fix this in the
Anyway, if you want to have a Preset-Icon in the XEN style you can find it
in your SYS:Prefs/Presets directory. It is called 'Preset.info'. If you
want to replace the old Preset-Icon with this one, please follow the
instructions explained in the chapter 3.1 (How to preserve the Icon's
tooltypes) of this documentation. This chapter explains how to replace
Icons with the help of the program 'IconEdit'. If you are going to do it
without IconEdit via the Shell ('copy' and 'rename'), please remember that
these Preset-Icons do have a DEFAULT TOOL included in the Icon, that will
be overwritten if you just copy and rename the Preset-Icon!
The Multiview-Icon really IS quite big, but please take a look at the
original Icon from Commo; it is also larger than all the other Icons!
And I think that the greatness of this brilliant utility should also be
expressed in its Icon... ;)
You have probably noticed that the Icons' file sizes are rather big. This
is another thing for which you must not blame me! I had to generate the
Icons with 'IconEdit' from WB3.0. I tried to generate them with IconEdit
2.0, but these Icons only worked fine if you used an 8 color Workbench.
This restriction was very annoying especially considering the future (AGA,
RTG etc.) where a restriction to an 8 color WB would be intolerable! So I
had to generate the Icons with the new IconEdit from WB3.0. These Icons
worked fine on any screen depth and on any Operating System. BUT THE SIDE
EFFECT IS: IconEdit3.0 generates 8 bit Icons (Icons with a color palette
of 256 colors), regardless whether you have painted them with 8 colors or
with 256 colors. This behaviour ensures that the generated Icons work
under any screen depth (due to Commodores "first 4 colors, last 4 colors
system"). And 8 bit Icons truly are bigger than 3 bit Icons! Just an
example: The DRAWER Icon would just need 1138 bytes (this is the real size
it would need because of the amount of pixels and the 8 colors). As I
processed it with IconEdit3.0 it finally was 2657 bytes big! But I had to
do this otherwise the Icons would not have worked with screen depths
bigger than 8 colors. So again, this is NOT my fault...
FOR THE FIRST TIME you can use a feature that should not be officially
available for the AMIGA users: If you have ever tried to paint your own
Disk-Icon and wanted to define it as a default Icon, you have probably
noticed that the Workbench still was going to use the old and ugly Disk
Icon if you had inserted a 'NO DOS Disk'. Only if you had inserted a DOS
Disk you would be able to see your personal Disk-Icon. This is rather
inconsequent and annoying!
BUT: There is an undocumented feature available already since OS 2.0 that
unofficially allows you to use a different Icon for NO DOS Disks: Each
time you insert a NO DOS Disk the system looks for an Icon called
def_Kick.info in ENV:Sys (don't ask ME why they called it KICK!!?). This
Icon must be a special Icon (it must NOT be generated with 'IconEdit'
because it is not a normal Icon with one of the available Icon-Types).
Well, MagicWB is making this feature available to you for the first time.
Now, if you insert a NO DOS Disk you will be presented with a special NO
DOS Disk-Icon that is painted in the same style as the normal Disk-Icon.
The only difference: The normal Disk-Icon has got a disk label and the new
NO DOS Disk-Icon is just a blue disk without a disk label. So you can
visually see which kind of disk has been inserted. Nice feature, eh...?!
Well, it's a kind of magic... ;)
The Fonts
I worked hard to design all the numerals, letters and special letters in
each font. I wanted to either make the COMPLETE font or no font. As
already mentioned the XEN-Font is the replacement for topaz. This font
exists in two sizes: 8 point and 9 point. You will probably notice that
the two fonts are not very different in their sizes. XEN/9 is almost the
same as XEN/8. The only difference: It is 1 pixel larger and therefore
certain letters that reach below the baseline (like p,q,y,j,g) are looking
better with XEN/9. Another advantage: The line spacing is bigger and so
the font XEN/9 is very convenient for the Shell or for displaying texts
because of its good readability! The font XEN/8 is perfect for user
interfaces with buttons, because it perfectly fits into buttons without
needing too much space. The XEN/8 is for example very useful in DirOpus
for the 'Requesters', as a 'General' font, for the 'Clock/Memory' bar and
for the path names, while the font XEN/9 will magically work in the 'Text
viewer' and the 'Directory window' of DirOpus. Try it out and you will
never want to miss it again!
DirOpus is just an example of a program which supports the user in
defining his desired fonts for the program. You can of course define the
XEN-Font in any other program that supports font definition.
The font XEN is the result of my goal to make the smallest possible
non-proportional font for the Workbench. It is NOT possible to make this
font smaller without destroying its readability. It is highly elaborated
and each pixel has its function in this small and thin font. I hope you
like it...
Known problem: As you will probably install the XEN-Font as the SYSTEM
DEFAULT font, some programs (that are not programmed well, i.e. programs
that are not font sensitive) will display their interfaces a little bit
strange, because they expected the font topaz and programmed their
interfaces to only work with the dimensions of the topaz font. A program
that was programmed like this is for example PageStream. Anyway, the
XEN-Font will be displayed properly and you can still work with the
program's interface (only some spaces are not looking good). This is not
the fault of the XEN-Font, it is the fault of the program!
The fonts XHelvetica/9 and XHelvetica/11 are the result of my annoyance at
the corresponding Helvetica fonts from Commo. As these two fonts both are
very small, every pixel counts (as I mentioned above)! If one pixel is set
at the wrong position in the font-grid it may destroy the optical
appearance of the font. I designed both fonts with the same kind of
perfection as the XEN-Font. Especially the XHelvetica/9 is now readable.
Its use is clear: This is the perfect font for the Icons on the Workbench.
I had to fight with the small letters a,s,e,x and y because they were too
small to make them readable, but I finally managed it. Because the Icon
itself is more important than its text, the Icon-Text should be as small
as possible. With the XHelvetica/9 you are using the smallest (and still
readable) PROPORTIONAL font on your Workbench. (NOTE: Try it as the
'Buttons' font in DirOpus...)
The XHelvetica/11 was designed because the original Helvetica/11 was still
not perfect. All other sizes bigger than 11 points are rather usable, so I
didn't see the need to redesign them. XHelvetica/11 is the perfect
SCREEN-FONT for the menus, requesters and user interfaces. Enjoy it...
If you would like to express anything about the Icons, Patterns and Fonts
of MagicWB, please contact me! I am very interested in your opinion.
Please contact me at the address given in chapter 9 (Support).
The following is only interesting for OS2.x users:
If you want to use the patterns of MagicWB you will have to install the
package `NickPrefs' (by Nicola Salmoria) to your system, because
Workbench 2.x does not support to load patterns with different and
bigger sizes.
You can find NickPrefs in the MagicWB/Patterns/NickPrefs Directory. It is
very easy to install. Please follow the instructions of the NickPrefs
documentation to know how to install NickPrefs correctly.
By default the MagicWB Installer installs only ONE pattern to the
SYS:Prefs/Patterns directory. You can find the pattern MARBLE_CLASSIC
there. You may configure NickPrefs' WBPicture program in the way that it
uses this pattern every time you boot your system. Read the documentation.
If you want to use the other 39 patterns of MagicWB you will have to
follow this instruction:
As OS3.0 uses a new (and flexible) color handling, the patterns done for
3.0 (found in the `patterns' drawer) are *NOT* compatible with 2.x anymore.
I decided to only include the pattern MARBLE_CLASSIC for 2.x users so that
this package is not going to explode in its size. This pattern can be
found in the MagicWB/Patterns/Patterns2.0 directory and has already been
remapped for the use with NickPrefs. You can NOT use the patterns found in
the MagicWB/Patterns directory directly with NickPrefs under OS2.x! I am
sorry for this inconvenience.
But: If you want to use ALL patterns with NickPrefs under OS2.x, you
just have to convert them with a paint program (e.g. DPaint). To
achieve this you must do the following: First, select the screenmode
Hires Interlaced (640x512) with 8 COLORS! Second, load the Workbench
palette from `ENV:Sys/palette.ilbm' into DPaint (COLOR/PALETTE/LOAD).
Third, load the pattern you wish to convert AS BRUSH. Next you must
select the function COLOR/BRUSH/REMAP and save the brush AS BRUSH to
your directory SYS:Prefs/Patterns. That's it! Now you can use the
pattern with NickPrefs under OS2.x without having the wrong colors!
The package "MagicWB" is:
Created by Martin Huttenloher
Copyright © 1993 Martin Huttenloher
- All rights reserved -
This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied. By using MagicWB, you agree to accept the entire
risk as to the quality and performance of this package.
In no event (unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing)
will any copyright holder, or any other party who may redistribute this
package as permitted below, be liable to you for damages, including any
general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the
use or inability to use this package (including but not limited to loss
of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or
third parties), even if such holder or other party has been advised of
the possibility of such damages.
Of course, MagicWB was tested rather extensively before it was released...
1. This license applies to the product called "MagicWB", a package for the
AMIGA computer, published by Martin Huttenloher under the concepts of
SHAREWARE. The terms "Package", "MagicWB" and "Archive", refer to this
product. The licensee is addressed as "you". This license does not apply
to third party supplied programs, found in the "Goody" Drawer of the
original distribution archive.
2. You may use MagicWB for a period of up to 14 days for evaluation.
After that, you have to register.
3. This archive may be freely redistributed, but only in totally unchanged
state: No files must be added, deleted, modified. Compression with common
archivers like zoo or lharc is allowed. You are only allowed to
redistribute the WHOLE original archive, NOT ANY SINGLE FILE MUST BE
DISTRIBUTED SEPARATELY, except stated below under condition #4.
This condition applies to ALL forms of distribution, be it via floppy
disks, BBS'es, electronic networks (FTP sites), or any other means.
4. Programmers and creators OF FD-SOFTWARE (freely distributable) are
allowed EXCLUSIVELY to include single ICONS of this package in THEIR
OWN package-distributions. This DOES NOT apply to the PATTERNS or FONTS
included in this archive. The only conditions:
- Be so kind and send the author of MagicWB a copy of your creation
where his Icons are included.
- Do not remove any copyright notices when distributing these Icons
and do not forget to mention the author of MagicWB in the accompanying
documentation of your creation/package/program.
- AND: Do not forget to include the Palette files for OS2.x AND OS3.x
in your package ;) (found in Prefs/env-archive/sys of this archive)
Any other conditions (except the conditions that are excluded by this
condition) stated within this license do still apply to programmers
and creators OF FD-SOFTWARE.
THIS PACKAGE. You may charge a fee to recover distribution costs.
The fee for diskette distribution may NOT BE MORE than the cost to
obtain a public domain diskette from Fred Fish.
5. You are NOT allowed to manipulate any file of MagicWB and distribute it
under any or no name. If you manipulate any part of this package (for
example take an Icon from MagicWB and change/repaint it) you may do this
for your private use BUT you may NOT distribute this modified file!
(Nevertheless the author would be happy if you sent him your modified
file, so that it may serve as a basis for an inclusion in MagicWB)
6. If developers of commercial software would like to include certain
parts of MagicWB in their commercial programs, they will have to
contact the author of MagicWB first to ask for permission.
7. You agree to cease distributing MagicWB if requested to do so by
the author.
8. By copying, distributing and/or using MagicWB you indicate your
acceptance of this license to do so, and all its terms and conditions.
9. Each time you redistribute this package, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute
and/or use this package subject to these terms and conditions.
Finally: As always, Fred Fish has got explicit permission to include
this package in his wonderful "Fish Disk"-Collection!
NOTE: If you have bought MagicWB by ordering it from the firm
~~~~> "Computer Corner" in Munich (Germany), you do not need to
> pay the registration fee. Nevertheless I would be really
> happy if you sent me a postcard with your name & address
> and comments/critics about MagicWB. Then you are accepted
> as a registered user of MagicWB (see chapter 'How to
> register' (7.2) for detailed information). Thank you!!
7.1 Why do I have to register?
MagicWB has been and will be a time-consuming work for me. If you like
this product you should support me with the registration fee. This will
enable future versions of MagicWB.
There might be some people out there in the AMIGA community who think "It
is absolutely ridiculous to pay for a bunch of Icons, Patterns and Fonts".
Well, let me say this: MagicWB is truly not a program, that's clear. But
why should a program be worth more than a package where the author
probably invested the same amount of time as another author with his
Anyway, MagicWB IS software. But in this whole discussion there is one
thing being neglected that finally counts: Do I (the user) like this
software or not? And if I (the user) USE it and ENJOY it, it surely IS
worth the price.
There is another attitude in the AMIGA community: "Why should I pay
for a software I already have?!" Well, let me just say a few words about
this: At the beginning of this project I was playing with the idea of
making a "cripple version" of MagicWB (this concept is probably known to
you as CrippleWare or TryWare). Somehow this had become a fashion under
the AMIGA FD-Community. This Cripple-version of MagicWB should only
include a limited selection of the complete package (just for the user to
see if he liked the software or not).
I decided NOT to do this, because I personally do not like this "fashion"
and second, I noticed that most of the users would not even try to test the
software because it was "CippleWare" (they just deleted the archive).
Somehow, users developed an "anti-crippleware-attitude"...
Therefore I decided to release the FULL version of MagicWB. This is my
first Shareware product and your attitude towards this concept will
strongly influence the future of MagicWB. I really hope that especially
the german users (who are known for their strange attitude towards the
Shareware concept as described above) will not let me down. Your feedback
will definitely affect further development of MagicWB.
I know that I took a great risk into consideration as I decided to release
the full version of MagicWB, because I knew that I probably would not get
much response. But I really do not want to force you to anything or shake
a warning finger at you! It should be as simple as this:
If you like it and use it, you will have to register.
If you don't like it, well, that's ok. Then you will
not register yourself and are not allowed to use it.
Anything else is a matter of good conscience. Thank you for your insight.
7.2 How to register
No person(s) or businesses other than the author are authorized to accept
any registration or distribution fees in any form whatsoever, except as
specified above in the LICENSE agreement. The only people who will be
regarded as registered users are those who have sent their registration
information (name, address & and phonenumber) and
DM 20.- or US $ 20.-
Martin Huttenloher
Parkstr. 11
D-87645 Schwangau
or those who have bought this package from "Computer Corner" in Munich and
have sent a postcard with their registration info (see below) to the
author of MagicWB.
For residents in Germany, the easiest and cheapest way of transferring
money to the author is by a bank transfer to
Raiffeisenbank Füssen, BLZ 733 698 78, Konto 2868 1
In this case, you can write your registration info on the giro-form.
The cheapest and easiest (and quite safe) way for foreign residents is
probably to send DM 20.- or US $ 20.- in a letter together with the
registration info. Note that I won't accept foreign currencies except
US Dollar.
If you don't want to do this, you can also use a postal money order (PMO),
about which your local post office can provide you with details about.
Beware that this can be quite expensive depending on where you live.
Or you can send a EuroCheque payable to Martin Huttenloher in DM.
Bank drafts can *NOT* be accepted as payment since the bank charges
outrageous fees from both the sender and the receiver. The same applies
to private cheques.
-----> Your name, address & phone number <-----
I would like to thank the following persons for their invaluable help:
- Robert Wagner (Motivator, critic, beta tester and high-speed
pattern converter ;) )
- Gerri Körner (A4000 beta tester, great help)
- Martin Korndörfer (for your ingenious suggestions)
-> look out for the probably best backup program for
(by Martin Korndörfer) ;)
- Angelika Nadler (for some really good suggestions)
- Stefan Stuntz (for those endless phonechats and help)
-> look out for the probably best user interface for
the AMIGA computer: MUI (Magic User Interface)
(by Stefan Stuntz) ;)
- Andreas Schildbach (for the help with the color system of OS 3.x)
...and to Commodore for the brilliant Operating System!
If you have any suggestions, critics, bug reports or questions,
please contact the author of MagicWB at the following addresses:
Mail: Martin Huttenloher
~~~~~ Parkstr. 11
87645 Schwangau
~~~~~~ Internet: xen@nathan.zer.sub.org
Voice: ++49-(0)8362-81104
/// /¯¯| |\ /| | /¯¯¯\ |¯¯\
__ /// / | | \/ | | / ___ | \
\\\/// /¯¯¯¯| | | | \ | |¯¯¯¯\ Thanx to Commodore for
\X// / | | | | \___| | \ this wonderful machine!